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Project Idea Submission Form

Thank you for your interest in hosting a student project for a client-based course or program at the University of Michigan School of Information (UMSI). Please complete this form to submit a project idea for consideration. For more information about client opportunities, please visit: umsi.info/clientopportunities. If you are completing this form on behalf of someone else, please provide the contact information for the project’s primary contact below. Upon submission, we will send a copy of your idea to the email provided.

Please share any other name that you prefer.

Enter your University of Michigan Uniqname

Also known as the Dept Id

Your current work address - not headquarters address unless that's where you sit.

If your division is not listed, please select 'Other'

For example, 48109 For U.S. locations, use only the 5-digit zip code

We will ask for additional details in the future. If you have multiple projects, please add a new response for each of them using the link below.